Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mortal Kombat is BACK

I know the past couple of MK games haven't really been amazing, but I've been watching a lot of Mortal Kombat 9 (the new Mortal Kombat game) gameplay recently and I can officially say I am HYPED. The blood, the gore, the fatalities and the gameplay are all better than ever, can't wait to get this. MK is coming out April 16th. Here are some gameplay clips which have me excited.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Photoshop Notes on Masking

-Have two Pictures in Photoshop open, drag the layer to the other picture or you can select the picture and   drag it into the other window
-To shrink one of the photos, use ctrl + T
-Zoom out if you can't see your handle
-If you hold down shift while transforming to maintain the proprtion of the picture
-When you are done transforming it press enter
-The short cut to make your brush bigger or smaller is brackets
-Having your brush really hard or really soft is not wrong, but it should really in certain situations
-Use the hard brush to go around objects
-If you want to blend something, use a soft brush with a low opacity

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Photoshop Notes

Use the magice wand tool to select the background and than inverse to have your object selected.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Photoshop - Notes on Layers and dropshadows

-First off yuou need a proper selection
-You can copy and paste a selection into another layer or you can drag a selection into another layer
-To turn a layer on or off, there's a little icon that looks like someone's eye, that's the visibility button, it can hide or show you a layer
-To blur, go in the filter menu, then click on filter, and then select a blur (eg. radial blur or motion blur)
-To get a selection back, hold down the ctrl key and click on the thumbnail in the layers menu
-To create a drop shadow on text, first select the text tool
-secondly write your text
-thirdly duplicate it into another layer
-rasterize the copied text
-Put on a transparency lock
-Make it black
-turn off the transparency lock
-Blur the text
-Last step is drag the copied text layer underneath the original text layer
-And voilla, you have created a drop shadow
-To select multiplle layers, selct a layer and then hold shift and click on another layer
-If yopu want to edit the background layer, double click it and then re-name it.
-The short cut to fill is the key Alt+Delete
-ctrl click the the layer's thumbnail to make a quick selection
Rember to name all your layers
-If you ever have some problems, slowly turn each of your layer off, kinda like detective work

Friday, February 11, 2011

PhotoShop Notes

-To save selection, click on the selection tab at the top and then click on save at the bottom. You can also load your selection by clicking on the same selection tab at the top and then click on load.

-Hue is another word for colour

-You should constantly zoom in on your work to see if your selection is proper

-The shortcut for the hand tool is the space button

-To zoom in, use ctrl + space

-To Zoom out, use alt+space

-To add to a selection hold down shift, and to remove selection hold down alt.

-ctrl + D is deselect

- Invert select is Shift + Ctrl + I

- Wand tool is quicker and better than the Magnetic selection tool

-To navigate, hold the space bar

-The default colours are Black and white, to restore the default, use the small black and white button

-Selections are important because you need to isolate some objects

-To deselect, press ctrl + D, to invert selection, press ctrl+shift+I

-The short cut to fill is Alt + Delete

-To get back a selection, you can save it or, ctrl + click

-The number one thing you do in photoshop is to duplicate your original background layer

Monday, February 7, 2011

Asymmetrical Balance

This image shows asymmetrical balance because on the left we have trees, which is part of nature, and then on the right side we have a bridge which is man made. It strikes a balance because of the water on the bottom showing the reflection of the Bridge and Trees.

Symmetrical Balance

This image perfectly illustrates Symmetrical Balance in nature. This the inside of a cave, and the top of the cave is reflected by the perfectly still water on the bottom.


This picture shows emphasis on the bird. The emphasis is shown by using a blur effect on the background, which creates focus or an emphasis on the bird.


This shows proportion in nature. Its not a realistic proportion of an elephant to a mouse, but it shows that the elephant is scared of mice, which in a way can make mice seem bigger figuratively speaking. So this picture illustrates the proportional relation between a mouse and an elephant.


This picture shows rhythm in nature. In music rhythm is created by having beats, and in pictures, rhythm is create by having a sense of movement. This picture feels like water is moving and splashing in front of you and there is also the sun shining on the water.


 These pictures show the harmony in Nature. The colours are unified in a sense that the colours are all warm. The colours in these photos consists of shades of red, orange and yellow. The colours and pictures feel compatible due to this feeling of unity.


There are many colours in Nature, this shows the harmonious colours in Nature. This picture outlines the changing colours of the sky. The next picture shows the colours in the ocean.


This shows the rough and tough texture of nature, but at the same time, nature can have a calm and more peaceful feeling texture like this:


This image represents shapes in Nature. This picture shows a bee hive, which consists of Hexagons, and in theses hexagons are honey and baby fees. Since honey is like the energy of the bees and the larvas represent birth, you could say that these hexagons represent energy and birth.


This represents lines in nature because it uses lose and free lines which is repeated creating a unique design.

Friday, February 4, 2011